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The Desert Sunrise
The benefits of the early ride at Red Rock

Red Rock sunrise

Discover Cool Ebike Refreshing Adventures​

Ride cool, ride safe, escape the heat of the Las Vegas Strip and glide on an E-bike at Red Rock Canyon.
Nevada’s summers are punishing, and the heat wave is gearing up for an other blast, throwing temperatures over 100 degrees on the Strip.

Did you know that there is a hidden treasure 20 minutes away from the Strip?

Feel the breeze while riding an ebike up to 20mph or more. This is the best way to escape and beat the heat while going up to 4,800 feet in Red Rock Canyon. Temperatures are 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the Strip. The speed makes the airflow feel like a ventilator.

For many, the heat is a deterrent for getting on a bike but it doesn’t have to be. 
“E-bike and hot weather equal heaven”. You can bike happily through even the hottest days on a ebike. It is a leisurely way to get around and that includes free green air conditioning.

If that doesn't feel cool enough for you, check out our early-morning
Sunrise Ebike Tour at Red Rock Canyon.

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